A downloadable game

An attempt at a "war" game with a less drastic emphasis on APM, knowledge of military equipment, and resource management whilst still holding onto tactics.

Now accessible on the web!

Move a cursor around, place rectangles, try and get them to the other side. They'll also fight the other player's rectangles. Changing your mode lets you change your options.

Delete compOne.txt and compTwo.txt to modify the timing of computer opponents (or just manually edit either of them).
Delete playersettings.txt to both enable/disable computer opponents and change the stats of each player.

Deck Format:

1st Mode:
Infantry - Very basic. Moves and attacks.
Archer - Also very basic. Shoots arrows and stays still. Will leave and return when out of ammo.
Medic - Heals certain units it touches but can't fight.
Side Archer - Shoots vertically towards the center.

2nd Mode:
Flamethrower - Splash damage unit.
Sniper - Ranged unit with projectiles that only hits "squishy" units like Archers and Medics. Will leave and return when out of ammo.
Scutum - Typical tank.
Dragoon - Speedy melee unit that zig zags and takes less damage from projectiles. Blocks Sniper bullets.

3rd Mode:
Beetle Tank - Explodes on contact.
Gas Artillery - Ranged unit that lowers maximum health rather than health; prevents healing. Will leave and return when out of ammo.
Vehicle - Helps push slow units and non-moving units in a forward zig zag.
Combat Engineer Tunnel - Acts similar to Nydus Canals (more or less teleportation), albeit non-moving units instantly go to the most recent one. Also can heal escaping units.

Controls (inspired by MBAACC):

IJKL or WASD - Movement

UO or QE - Mode Change

C or Left Arrow - Place Melee Unit

V or Down Arrow - Place Ranged Unit

B or Right  Arrow - Place Support Unit

F or Up Arrow - Place Ambush Unit

AuthorProper Noun
TagsMinimalist, Tower Defense, War
Average sessionA few seconds
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player count1 - 2


rectWarfare.zip 1.5 MB

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